The first digital training program that transforms periods of crisis into a development opportunity for both people and businesses.
“People reveal unexpected skills and energies during periods of crisis, and companies have the opportunitiy to both improve their processes and innovate. It all stems from the effort that every crisis requires of us, but it’s also a great opportunity to improve the whole system. It would be a shame to let this slide when all we have to do is make space for it to happen”. (Riccarda Zezza)
Life Based Value, an impact enterprise in Opes-Lcef’s portfolio specialized in transition-based training, launches the first digital training program in the world capable of transforming the experience of the crisis into a development opportunity for people and companies.
As the Italian government begins to ease the lockdown measures, people are asking themselves how companies will undertake “Phase 2” while taking into account workers’ real needs to benefit their wellbeing, productivity and performance. According to the World Economic Forum, the next few months will see one in every four people experiencing a toxic level of stress, reducing productivity by up to 35% at work. Life Based Value believes that companies can reverse this trend by harnessing the development potential that this crisis brings, just like in every other life transition.
That’s why Lifeed crisis was created. It’s the first digital program of its kind available to all workers regardless of their role or professional level. It allows companies to train and listen to their people throughout the period of crisis, harnessing the opportunity within the experience to highlight new skills and ways of working.
Over the past month, Life Based Value surveys have revealed that 41% of people say they have improved certain skills thanks to the lockdown experience – such as the ability to manage change (81%) and being open-minded (53%). 83% expect their company to make space for change and 69% expect their employers to make space to listen to their thoughts and feelings as a way of facilitating the return to work. It’s therefore not surprising that the ideal manager in Phase 2 is seen as having great listening skills (68%) and willing to share with others (70%).
The program unfolds over 3 months on a digital platform, weaving together multimedia content with individual and corporate reflective exercises. This program gives HR teams and business managers useful data to help them better guide employees and evolve the corporate culture in line with changes in society.
Lifeed crisis has been developed in collaboration with a scientific committee, featuring Pier Giovanni Bresciani, President of SIPLO – Italian Society of the Psychology of Work and Organization, Felice Di Lernia, Anthropologist and expert in the use of narration in care practices, as well as Riccarda Zezza CEO of Life Based Value.