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Carolyne Kirabo brings more than 15 years of experience in investment finance, management consulting and business advisory support. Carolyne is a recognized Impact and Gender Lens investing pioneer in East Africa, having led funds including Mango Fund, Yunus Social Business and Mercy Corps Ventures.
During her work she has successfully built expertise in supporting impact investment funds and enterprise support organizations to adopt gender smart strategies. Some of these strategies included integrating gender considerations across investment processes, designing pre and post investment support with a gender lens, and designing impact management strategies that drive fair representation of gender across value chains.
She holds an MBA from Edinburgh Business School and is an Alumni with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.
She has served as a steering committee member of the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs East Africa Chapter and on the Board of Directors of Finding XY and United Social Ventures.
Carolyne Kirabo vanta oltre 15 anni di esperienza nel campo della finanza d’investimento, della consulenza gestionale e del supporto alle imprese. Carolyne è una riconosciuta pioniera degli investimenti d’impatto e di genere in Africa orientale, avendo guidato fondi come Mango Fund, Yunus Social Business e Mercy Corps Ventures.
Nel corso del suo lavoro ha acquisito un’esperienza nel sostenere i fondi di investimento a impatto e le organizzazioni di sostegno alle imprese ad adottare strategie intelligenti dal punto di vista del genere. Alcune di queste strategie comprendono l’integrazione delle considerazioni di genere nei processi di investimento, la progettazione di un supporto pre e post investimento con un approccio gender lens e la progettazione di strategie di gestione dell’impatto che favoriscano un’equa rappresentazione di genere nelle catene del valore.
Ha conseguito un MBA presso la Edinburgh Business School ed è Alumni dell’Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.
È stata membro del comitato direttivo dell’Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs East Africa Chapter e del Consiglio di amministrazione di Finding XY e United Social Ventures.
She has over 20 years’ experience on the promotion of social entrepreneurship in Europe, Africa and Asia, with funding from European and private donors, and impact investors. Her professional roles range from project management to monitoring & evaluation and capacity development. She has worked in Kenya, the Philippines, Cambodia, Sudan and Italy for banks, multilateral organizations (UNDP, Asian Development Bank, Deutsche Bank), and international NGOs (Save the Children, World Vision, Fondazione ACRA).
10 years’ experience in impact investing, first as a Project Manager at Fondazione Oltre Onlus, and then as Investment Manager for Oltre Venture. Experienced in the selection of investments, following in particular the projects in the Healthcare, Social Housing and Micro-credit. Founded and coordinated in September 2017 Polìsola, a Parenting Support Center based in Milan.
Elena Casolari is Managing Partner of OPES Italia Sicaf EuVECA, cofounder and executive President of the Opes-Lcef Foundation and Trustee of the Opes-Lcef Trust. For 10 years, Elena has been CEO of Acra, one of the main Italian NGOs, and prior to that she worked for 12 years in various investment banks covering emerging markets (HSBC, Dresdner and Nikko Security). She currently serves as Director at Selco India, Fondazione Umano Progresso, Social Impact Agenda per l’Italia, Life Based Value srl and she is member of the General Council of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo.
Formerly Americas Director for the Low Carbon Enterprise Fund. Alan previously was a partner in ERM’s global mergers and acquisition practice, and directed due diligence for clients in both developed and developing markets. In 2010 he led the Strategic Review for the Equator Principles, the landmark environmental and social risk management framework in field of project finance. Alan holds a Masters in Environmental Management from Duke University and an MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Currently an independent financial advisor, Giovanni ha over 25 years of experience in the Asset Management industry in Italy having worked for some of the most important financial institutions like Credito Romagnolo, now Unicredit; Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, now Group BNP Paribas; and finally with Generali Asset Management. He has been in charge of mutual funds whose focus were the financial markets in Asia and other emerging markets worldwide where he has gained experience through direct contact with local companies, mostly listed ones, making numerous and regular business trips to visit the local operations and to keep in close touch with the local management.
25 years of experience in financial activities between Milan and London: in the last 14 years he has worked in the Private Equity sector, holding the role of Managing Director of SGR with funds of 250 million euros, and becoming many companies owned by the managed funds. He co-founded Polisola, a Parenting Support Center based in Milan.
Co-founder of former Opes Fund (now OPES-LCEF Fund), a social entrepreneur and director in several social enterprises and cooperatives active in Italy in various sectors, including ASM-Abitare Sociale Metropolitano Srl (social housing) Consortium Laboratorio del caffè Onlus, Chico Mendes scsrl Onlus, Altromercato Consortium (fair trade) and AltraEconomia Edizioni scrl (Editor). Vice President CGM Finance (Financial facility of Cgm group). Member of the Board of Directors Solidar Monde, S.p.A. in France for five years. Stefano has been also engaged in social enterprises in India, Argentina and Burkina Faso.
Co-founder of one of the world’s leading consulting firms, specializing in advising multinationals and governments on environmental impact issues for investments and projects around the world. He is now an Angel Investor, a board member of several start-ups and impact investment expert as a member of the investment committee of the Low Carbon Enterprise Fund for a decade.
She had extensively covered the role of Head of Accounting & Operations for Intesa Sanpaolo International Network in London, Hong Kong, New York, Dubai and Istanbul. Franca graduated in Economics from the Catholic University in Milan, she also holds a Master Degree in Public Policy and Finance from SOAS-University of London.
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